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Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda

Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda is Full Professor at the University of Campinas – Unicamp (Campinas, Brazil), Department of Analytical Chemistry, and member of the National Institute of Science and Technology - INCT for Bioanalitics. His current research interests include trans-disciplinary work involving comparative omics of plants (i.e. soybean, sunflower) and human body fluids (i.e. blood serum, urine) to identify possible biomarkers for transgenic species and human diseases, as well as to evaluate reactive oxygen species production, and (metallo)proteins responses under stress in a given system. He is the author or co-author over 150 research articles, 7 book chapters and 5 patents, is on the editorial staff or advisory board of the Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Metallomics, Journal of Integrated Omics and Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry, and member of the advisory board of the Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Society (BrMASS) and Brazilian Chemistry Association (ABQ).

Dr. Radut Consulting