Invited speakers
Pavel Matějka
Pavel Matějka studied physical chemistry at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague. His PhD thesis was devoted to surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of surfactants and biomolecules. He joined the Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) Prague in 1993. He undertook a postdoctoral stay at Laboratoire de Spectrochimie Infrarouge et Raman (LASIR), CNRS, Thiais, France in 1996 combining surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopy with photon-correlation spectroscopy. He is working at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering ICT Prague (Department of Analytical Chemistry and Department of Physical Chemistry); presently he is a head of the Department of Physical Chemistry. He teaches courses of general chemistry, analytical chemistry, molecular spectroscopy and nanoscience. He is the scientific secretary of the Ioannes Marcus Marci Spectroscopic Society and the member of the Czech National Committee for Pure and Applied Chemistry. His main research interests are (i) vibrational spectroscopy with focus on surface-enhanced technique and spectroelectrochemistry, (ii) surface science and nanoscience with focus on plasmonic metal materials and (iii) structural characterization of supramolecular assemblies. He is the author of more than 120 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and several book chapters.