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Viliam Krivan

Viliam Krivan obtained his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in 1964 from the Technical University of Bratislava and his professorial qualification (habilitation) in Analytical Chemistry in 1966 from the Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. Between 1971 and 1976, he was head of the Radioanalytical Group in the Department of High Purity Materials at the Max-Planck-Institute, Stuttgart, Germany. Later, in the years 1976-99 he worked as a professor and head of the Section Analysis and Purification of Materials, University of Ulm, Germany. Since 1999 he is retired professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Ulm, Germany. In the years 1968-2008, Prof. Krivan undertook six visiting research and professorship appointments at different research institutes and universities in Brazil, Germany, Slovakia and USA.

His research activities have been related mainly to the development of methods for trace and ultratrace element analysis and their application to different scientific and technological fields, especially material sciences, ecology, biology and medicine. The research fields of special interest have been: application of the radiotracer technique to error-diagnostic investigations of different analytical processes, activation analysis, atomic and mass spectrometry methods involving sample digestion and analyte/matrix separations, direct solid sampling atomic and mass spectrometric methods and ultratrace characterization of high purity materials.

His publication activities include 232 papers, 13 book contributions, co-editorship of four books, more than 200 invited lectures including plenary and key-note lectures at international and national scientific meetings, lectures at universities, state and industrial research institutions.

Other activities cover collaborative projects with more than 30 industrial companies, state research institutes and universities, member of several advisory boards and member or chairman of various scientific committees, organization of several scientific meetings.

Dr. Radut Consulting