Invited speakers
Michal Holčapek
Michal Holčapek obtained his Ph.D. (1999) at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Pardubice. At present, he is a full professor of analytical chemistry (from 2009) at the same university. The research focus is in mass spectrometry and its coupling with liquid chromatography, applied mainly in lipidomics, drug metabolism and structural analysis of (bio)organic compounds. He had short research stays in France, USA and Norway, obtained several scientific awards, e.g., Power List of 100 most influential people in the analytical sciences (2013, The Analytical Scientist) and the Prize for Chemistry (1997, Rhône-Poulenc). He is co-author of 104 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, over 300 conference presentations including more than10 keynote and invited lectures, h-index 28, member of editorial advisory boards of Lipids, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry A-Panel, chair of analytical chemistry panel in Czech Science Foundation, member of scientific councils of FCHI VŠCHT Praha and Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice. He was editor of book Extreme Chromatography: Faster, Hotter, Smaller (American Oil Chemical Society, 2011), editor of special volumes of Journal of Chromatography A entitled "Mass spectrometry - innovation and application" (2012 and 2010), head of Czech Mass Spectrometry Section in I.M.M. Spectroscopic Society and national representative in International Mass Spectrometry Foundation (2005-13), chairman of 10 conferences: 3rd European Lipidomic Meeting (2013), 14. Czech - Slovak spectroscopic conference (2010), School of mass spectrometry (5 times), School of HPLC/MS (3 times).