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Alessandro D´Ulivo

Alessandro D’Ulivo (born in Pescia, Tuscany, 1954) is Senior  Resarcher  of  Italian National Research Council (since 1981), presently developing his research activity at the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic  Compounds, research unit  of Pisa.

IUPAC Fellow; Awarded of the national scientific qualification of Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry; Head of ICCOM, research unit  of Pisa (permanent staff 30 units,  2010-2013); Coordinator EU Projects (LIFE+ BIONAD 2014-2016). Member of Editorial Advisory Board: Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, Atomic Spectroscopy (Elsevier); The Scientific World Journal (Hindawi).

Research: Analytical Atomic and Mass Spectrometry for trace and ultratrace analysis. Fundamental s and applications of chemical and photochemical  vapor  generation techniques. Mechanistic  aspects of  the generation of volatile hydrides by aqueous  boranes ; atomization mechanism and interferences in hydride atomizers. Hyphenated techniques using chromatography interfaced with atomic or mass spectrometry.

Main Research fellowships and cooperations: Academy of Science of the Czech Republic (Inst. Analytical Chemistry, Praha), National Research Council Canada (INMS, Ottawa), Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Dept. Biogeochemistry, Mainz, D).

More than 90 papers on ISI  journals (H=26) and 20 invited lectures at international conferences.

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