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Invited speakers

Ewa Bulska

Professor Ewa Bulska

University of Warsaw, Poland



Director of Biological and Chemical Research Center at the University of Warsaw and the Head of the Theoretical Aspects of Analytical Chemistry Research Group at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw.

Member of the Committee of Analytical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences and

Head of the Commission of Atomic Spectrometry of the Committee of Analytical Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences.

Members of the Editorial Board of TrainMiC® programme and the Team Leader of PL TrainMiC® team.

Author or co-authors of over 150 scientific publications, co-author of several chapters, author of a book “Metrology in chemistry”, and co-authors of a number of papers focused on the metrology in chemistry.

Awarded with Bunsen-Kirchoff Award (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker); Wiktor Kemula Medal (Polish Chemical Society); W. Świętosławski Award (University of Warsaw)


Topics of interest: analytical chemistry: inorganic and bioinorganic trace analysis; environmental, clinical and food samples; archeometry; atomic spectrometry (AAS, OES, MS); atom formation process in graphite furnace and in plasmas; mechanism of matrix interferences; hydride generation with AAS, ICP and MIP OES; Investigation of speciation with GC MIP-OES, HPLC ICP-MS or solid sorbents with. EPMA, SIMS, XANES and LA ICP-MS investigation of surface and sub-surface domain of solids; Isotopic dilution ICP-MS; metrology in chemistry: validation, traceability in chemical measurements; uncertainty evaluation.

Dr. Radut Consulting